Amendment 80 to the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) Fishery Management Plan (FMP)


Amendment 80 was adopted by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) in June 2006. The final rule implementing Amendment 80 published in the Federal Register on September 14, 2007. This action allocates several Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) non-pollock trawl groundfish species among trawl fishery sectors, and facilitate the formation of harvesting cooperatives in the non-American Fisheries Act (non-AFA) trawl catcher/processor sector.

The Council adopted Amendment 80 to meet the broad goals of: (1) improving retention and utilization of fishery resources by the non-AFA trawl catcher/processor fleet by extending the groundfish retention standard (GRS) to non-AFA trawl catcher/processor vessels of all lengths; (2) allocating fishery resources among BSAI trawl harvesters in consideration of historic and present harvest patterns and future harvest needs; (3) authorizing the allocation of groundfish species to harvesting cooperatives and establishing a limited access privilege program (LAPP) for the non-AFA trawl catcher/processors to reduce potential GRS compliance costs, encourage fishing practices with lower discard rates, and improve the opportunity for increasing the value of harvested species; and (4) limiting the ability of non-AFA trawl catcher/processors to expand their harvesting capacity into other fisheries not managed under a LAPP.

The groundfish species in the BSAI directly affected by Amendment 80 include:

  • Atka mackerel
  • Aleutian Islands Pacific ocean perch
  • Flathead sole
  • Pacific cod
  • Rock sole
  • Yellowfin sole
In addition, Amendment 80 would modify the management of halibut and crab prohibited species catch (PSC) limits.

EDR Requirement

EDRs are available at the link below in electronic .pdf form. Letters will be mailed at the end of March each year informing participants of their EDR requirment as well as information to use the online web form with their login and password. EDRs are due to PSMFC by June 1st of each year.

  • (After April 1) Log into the online web form (preferred method) here
  • Download Economic Data Report(EDR) for Calendar Year 2024
  • You will need Adobe Acrobat to open, complete and save the EDR, the free version of Adobe Reader will allow you to open, fill it out and print it but not save it.
  • Please fax [(503) 595-3450] or email the completed form to by June 1, 2025

Requirements for the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area (BSAI) Amendment 80 and Gulf of Alaska (GOA) Trawl Groundfish fisheries.

Each person who held an Amendment 80 Quota Share (QS) permit OR was an owner or leaseholder of an Amendment 80 vessel, OR was an owner or leaseholder of a vessel named on a LIcense Limitation Program (LLP) groundfish license with catcher/processor (C/P) vessel and trawl gear designations and endorsed for the GOA during a calendar year must submit a Trawl Catcher/Processor EDR for that vessel and/or QS permit.

A completed EDR must be submitted for each calendar year on or before June 1 of the following year. An EDR must be timely and all information fields must be accurately completed according to instruction in the form.

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) has been designated by NMFS to be the Data Collection Agent (DCA) for the Amendment 80 EDR program. PSMFC mails EDR announcements and filing instructions out to Amendment 80 QS permit holders by April 1. You may download an electronic copy of the EDR form in fillable PDF format from this webpage. To request that a printed EDR be mailed to you, please call 1-877-741-8913, or email your request to

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
NMFS Economic Data Reports
205 SE Spokane St., Suite 100
Portland, OR 97202
Toll Free 877-741-8913
Fax 503-595-3450

Audit Reports