The Resources and Publications section consists of three main parts:

EFIN Reports and Papers This section contains miscellaneous papers and reports created by this program.
Other Economic Reports and Papers This section contains economic papers and reports that other researchers have shared with EFIN and made available via our website.
Links to External Resources and Publication Databases These are databases and other resources that we feel are useful to fisheries economists.
Two separate lists that include many social and economic references. You may use your browser's find feature to help you locate keywords within each list.

We welcome suggestions for additional resources! To add your resource, simply send email to

Fisheries Economics Data Program Reports and Papers

The following papers have been compiled by the Fisheries Economics Data Program.

Cost and Earnings Survey Summaries
Fishery and Community Descriptions
Marine Fuel Reports

New Reports:

2001 Alaska Sportfishing Charter Operator Survey

NOAA Fisheries and Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) conducted a pilot project to determine the feasibility of collecting charter information.

(Document available .pdf format (~600KB))

West Coast Marine Fishing Community Descriptions

This report describes fishing communities on the West Coast of the United States and is intended to provide baseline community information for communities engaged in Council managed fisheries, and other state-managed fisheries in Washington, Oregon and California.

West Coast Charter Boat Survey Summary Report

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) completed a survey generating cost and earnings information for the year 2000 from the West coast charter and head boat fleet.

(Document available .pdf format (~0.5MB))

10-Year Groundfish Summary on the West Coast Presentation

A PowerPoint presentation with summary charts for revenue, species landed and gear combinations. Interesting Venn Diagrams display gear combinations a single vessel may use during the year. The data is for Washington, Oregon, California and all groundfish species except off-shore whiting.

(1.4 mb Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation)

West Coast Catcher Boat Survey Summary

Presents average expense and economic information from the 1997-1998 cost and earnings survey of the West Coast  limited entry trawl fleet in an aggregated summary.

Document available in .pdf format (461KB)

Description of the U.S. West Coast Commercial Fishing Fleet and Seafood Processors

The fishing fleet making landings at ports in the states of Washington, Oregon, and California has changed dramatically in recent years due to changes in fish resource levels, fishery management plan amendments, and market forces. Vessels have had to switch to other than their primary fisheries, and many times several different fisheries, to sustain revenue levels. Many vessel owners have simply elected to quit commercial fishing. This project is to describe the trends and characteristics of the U.S. West Coast fishing fleet and processors to show how numbers, revenues, and participation in fisheries has changed. A special analysis was completed to find descriptive vessel and processor categories. The classification scheme used 1997 landing data to determine the vessel and processor categories.

Document available in .pdf format (8mb)
Executive summary available in HTML or .pdf(3mb)

Publications From Other Sources.

Links to External Resources and Publication Databases

  • NBER Working Papers at

  • Social Sciences Research Network's Electronic Library at
  • The SSRN Electronic Library consists of two parts: an Abstract Database containing abstracts on over 11,000 scholarly working papers and forthcoming papers and an Electronic Paper Collection currently containing over 2,500 downloadable full text documents in Adobe Acrobat pdf format.

  • WebEc: WWW Resources in Economics at
  • A comprehensive list of resources for economists maintained by the Australian National University


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