2001 Alaska Sportfishing Charter Operator Survey


About the survey:

This survey was conducted by PSMFC, as part of a cooperative agreement with NMFS.

The purpose of this survey was to provide information about the economic performance and significance of the halibut charter fleet. The survey provided baseline-data to evaluate some of the economic effects of management proposals, such as IFQ and GHL.

Survey contents:

The survey consisted of several parts:

Screening Questions
This section was used to make sure the correct person and vessel was contacted as well as to identify whether their last charter occured during the appropriate season.
Trip Questions
Questions about length of trip, distance traveled as well as species of fish targeted, caught, kept and returned.
Payment Questions
A section on how passengers paid for their trip including what services were provided or available for an additional cost.

Acknowledgements The Economics staff would like to specifically acknowledge that assistance of the following people:


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