Data | Link takes you directly to our monthly fuel price data | |
Overview | Get a general overview of the survey | |
Port Selection Method | Description on how ports were selected | |
Selected Ports | See a list and map of selected ports in the survey | |
Fuel Docks | Description on how fuel docks were selected within ports | |
Alaska Fuel Prices | Description on collecting fuel prices in Alaska | |
West Coast Fuel Prices | Description on collecting fuel prices on the West Coast | |
Data Collected | Learn what is collected in this survey | |
Data File Structure | Description on how the files are set up | |
Reports | Links to past years fuel reports in .pdf format for download | |
NEW Other Fuel Surveys | Links to other marine fuel surveys that we know about |
States Sampled | View Data Online 1999-Present |
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Alaska |
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Washington |
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Oregon |
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California |
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Monthly State Average Fuel Price |
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Fuel docks at selected ports on the West Coast and in Alaska will be surveyed monthly to create a marine fuel price index.
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Originally, ports were selected through discussions with ADF&G and NPFMC staff. The selected ports were chosen to include ports with significant revenue generation and which were broadly geographically representative of commercial fishing ports in Alaska.
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Alaska Fuel Prices: Date of Collection
Fuel prices will be collected the first Tuesday of each month, given the following contingencies.
- If the first Tuesday of a month is a holiday, prices will be collected the following Thursday. For instance, July 4, 1999 is a Tuesday. Price data for July 1999 will be collected on Thursday, July 6, 1999. The date that data are collected will be stored with the data.
- If the fuel dock being surveyed does not answer their phone on the first Tuesday of the month for any reason, the person surveying the fuel docks will try to reach the dock in question one more time during that day and three times on the following Thursday (or until the dock is reached). If the dock could not be reached during these attempts, a missing value will appear in the data for that dock.
- If there is some other circumstance that prevents the person conducting the survey of fuel prices from being able to do so on the first Tuesday of the month, fuel prices will be collected on the next business day.
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Alaska Fuel Prices: Fuel Docks
At least one fuel dock in each selected port will be surveyed. Each fuel dock can be uniquely identified by its "Fuel Dock Identifier". This identifier was formed by using the 3 letter AKFIN port code for the port in which the dock is located followed by a sequential number. (For example, KTN2 identifies the second fuel dock surveyed in Ketchican, AK.) A fuel dock's identifier will remain unique to that dock throughout the collection of this data to allow a single dock to be identified over time.
Fuel docks were selected on the following basis:
- if a fuel dock was listed in the "Port Guide" appearing in the 1998 National Fisherman's Journal Pilothouse Guide and Yellow Pages, that dock is included.
- if a fuel dock was not located through the first method for a given port, the US West Dex Internet Yellow Pages were used to locate a fuel dock at that port.
- In some cases, the Port Office is called in lieu of a fuel dockand some suppliers have been added to increase coverage in certain areas as their contact information has become available.
Changes Since Inception for Alaska
- Adak, Naknek, Dillingham, Yakutat and Wrangell were added in 2001.
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Alaska Fuel Prices: Price Data Collected
The data to be collected are the cash price before tax (where applicable) of 600 gallons of #2 marine diesel.
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Alaska Fuel Prices: Data Availability
Fuel price data will be available by state or in a combined West Coast/Alaska file.
These data will be entered made available on this website in SPSS and ASCII formats by the second Tuesday of each month.
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Alaska Fuel Prices: Data File Structure and Variable Formats
Alaska fuel price data are in the same format as West Coast fuel prices. Click here to view that structure.
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West Coast Fuel Prices: California
The series of California fuel prices is a subset of the West Coast Fuel Prices data collection. California data follows the same format and methodology as the larger set. The only difference is that the information has been restricted to the following California ports: Bogeda Bay, Crescent City, Eureka, Fort Bragg, Morro Bay, Moss Landing, Port Hueneme, San Francisco, San Pedro, Santa Barbara and Sausalito.
Changes Since Inception for California
- Monterey Bay was excluded, as they were unable to be contacted in 1999.
- Brookings and Port Orford were dropped as they were unable to be contacted in 2001.
- Princeton declined to further participate in 2001.
For more information about the West Coast Fuel Prices data collection project, click here.
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West Coast Fuel Prices: Oregon
The series of Oregon fuel prices is a subset of the West Coast Fuel Prices data collection. Oregon data follows the same format and methodology as the larger set. The only difference is that the information has been restricted to the following Oregon ports: Astoria, Depoe Bay, Florence, Gold Beach, Newport, and Winchester Bay.
Changes Since Inception for Oregon
- Tillamook/Garibaldi was excluded in 1999 as the fuel dock does not carry #2 marine diesel.
- Coos Bay declined to further participate in 2000
- Astoria was grouped with N.Oregon as there were less than 2 fuel suppliers reporting in 2001.
For more information about the West Coast Fuel Prices data collection project, click here.
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West Coast Fuel Prices: Washington
The series of Washington fuel prices is a subset of the West Coast Fuel Prices data collection. Washington data follows the same format and methodology as the larger set. The only difference is that the information has been restricted to the following Washington ports: Anacortes, Bellingham Bay, Blaine, Everett, Ilwaco/Chinook, Neah Bay, Olympia, Port Angeles, Port Townsend, Seattle, Shelton and Westport.
Changes Since Inception for Washington
- None
For more information about the West Coast Fuel Prices data collection project, click here.
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West Coast Fuel Prices: Overview
Fuel docks at selected ports on the West Coast and in Alaska will be surveyed monthly to create a marine fuel price index.
- How was it decided which ports would be surveyed?
- Which ports will be surveyed?
- How was it decided which fuel docks would be surveyed at these ports?
- When will data be collected?
- What data will be collected?
- When will this data be available from the Fisheries Economics Data Program?
- Description of the data files
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West Coast Fuel Prices: Port Selection Method
Ports were selected if::
- The port meets at least one of the following:
- was included in the NMFS SW Region's collection of fuel prices which was suspended in 1994;
- or was one of the top 25 revenue generating ports* on the West Coast in 1997;
- or was one of the top 10 revenue generating ports* in the state in 1997;
- and has a fuel dock
- and is identified by as a single port in the PacFIN port codes (as opposed to a group of ports; e.g., OSF - Other San Francisco Ports)
- some suppliers have been added to increase coverage in certain areas as their contact information has become available.
* Revenue generation figures are based upon revenue data associated with all species from PacFIN on 30 Dec 98.
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West Coast Fuel Prices: Selected Ports
The following ports were selected:
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West Coast Fuel Prices: Date of Collection
Fuel prices will be collected the first Tuesday of each month, given the following contingencies.
- If the first Tuesday of a month is a holiday, prices will be collected the following Thursday. For instance, if the 4th of July were a Tuesday. Price data for July will be collected on Thursday, July 6. The date that data are collected will be stored with the data.
- If the fuel dock being surveyed does not answer their phone on the first Tuesday of the month for any reason, the person surveying the fuel docks will try to reach the dock in question one more time during that day and three times by the following Thursday (or until the dock is reached). If the dock could not be reached during these attempts, a missing value will appear in the data for that dock.
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West Coast Fuel Prices: Fuel Docks
At least one fuel dock in each selected port will be surveyed. Each fuel dock can be uniquely identified by its "Fuel Dock Identifier". This identifier was formed by using the 3 letter PacFIN port code for the port in which the dock is located followed by a sequential number. (For example, SEA4 identifies the fourth fuel dock surveyed in Seattle, WA.) A fuel dock's identifier will remain unique to that dock throughout the collection of this data to allow a single dock to be identified over time.
Fuel docks were selected on the following basis:
- If a fuel dock was included in NMFS SW Region's fuel price collection and that dock's phone number is still operational, that dock is included.
- If a fuel dock was listed in the "Port Guide" appearing in the 1998 National Fisherman's Journal Pilothouse Guide and Yellow Pages, that dock is included.
- If a fuel dock was not located through either of the first two methods for a given port, the US West Dex Internet Yellow Pages were used to locate a fuel dock at that port.
- In some cases, the Port Office is called in lieu of a fuel dock, per se.
- If, over the course of the data collection, a fuel dock is discovered to be somehow inappropriate for this collection (e.g., the dock is a subsidiary of another dock surveyed) the inappropriate fuel dock will be excluded from further data collections.
- If, over the course of the data collection, a new fuel dock is identified as a more appropriate fuel dock than the one currently being surveyed, the new dock will replace the old dock in future collections. However, the new fuel dock will be assigned a new fuel dock identifier.
- If, over the course of the data collection, a new fuel dock is identified as being a useful contributor to this collection, the fuel dock will receive a new fuel dock identifier and be added to future data collections.
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West Coast Fuel Prices: Price Data Collected
The data to be collected are the cash price before tax (where applicable) of 600 gallons of #2 marine diesel.
If the before tax price is not available, (i.e., the fuel dock cannot/will not provide before tax price,) the pre-tax price will be calculated and a note will be made in the "notes" column.
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West Coast Fuel Prices: Data Availability
Fuel price data will be available by state or in a combined West Coast/Alaska file.
These data will be entered made available on the EFIN website in SPSS and ASCII formats by the second Tuesday of each month, but no earlier than the first Thursday of the month.
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West Coast Fuel Prices: Data File Structure and Variable Formats
West Coast fuel price data are available in 2 formats: as a MS Excel file and as an ASCII fixed width file. Each file contains the following variables:
Variable Type Width Variable Title Data Values/Notes Year Numeric 4.0 Year of fuel price collection - Month Numeric 2.0 Month of fuel price collection 1=January, 2=February, etc. Day Numeric 2.0 Date of fuel price collection - Port Character 3 PacFIN port code Click here for more info on PacFIN PortName Character 30 Name of port - State Character 2 State in which port is located 2-letter US Postal Service official abbreviation DockCode Character 4 Fuel dock identifier Click here for more info on fuel dock identifiers Pricettl Dollar 10.2 Total cash price before tax of 600 gallons of #2 marine diesel in current US dollars Pricettl=$0.00 indicates that a total price was unavailable for this fuel dock
$0.00 set to user missing value in SPSS data filePricegal Dollar 6.6 Cash price per gallon before tax of 600 gallons of #2 marine diesel in current US dollars Pricegal=$0.000 indicates that a total price was unavailable for this fuel dock
$0.000 set to user missing value in SPSS data filePxQuoted Numeric 1.0 Which price was quoted 0 = No Price Quoted - See Notes
1 = Price per Gallon Quoted
2 = Total Price Quoted
3 = Both Prices QuotedNotes Character 50 Any notes related to anomalies, exceptions, caveats, etc associated with the data in the record -
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Reports Available
2024 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2022-2024 (2877KB .pdf format) 2023 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2021-2023 (2876KB .pdf format) 2022 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2020-2022 (2868KB .pdf format) 2021 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2019-2021 (1108KB .pdf format) 2020 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2018-2020 (1012KB .pdf format) 2019 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2017-2019 (1021KB .pdf format) 2018 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2016-2018 (1035KB .pdf format) 2017 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2015-2017 (1005KB .pdf format) 2016 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2014-2016 (1064KB .pdf format) 2015 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2013-2015 (988KB .pdf format) 2014 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2012-2014 (898KB .pdf format) 2013 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2011-2013 (586KB .pdf format) 2012 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2010-2012 (802KB .pdf format) 2011 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2009-2011 (554KB .pdf format) 2010 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2008-2010 (1.5MB .pdf format) 2009 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2007-2009 (1.5MB .pdf format) 2008 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2006-2008 (1.5MB .pdf format) 2007 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2005-2007 (1.75MB .pdf format) 2006 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2004-2006 (1.33MB .pdf format) 2005 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2003-2005 (1.1MB .pdf format) 2004 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2002-2004 (960KB .pdf format) 2003 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report State and regional fuel prices for 2001-2003 2002 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report This report is for 2000-2002 state and regional fuel prices. (552 KB) 2001 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report This report is for 1999-2001 state and regional level maximum, mean and minimum fuel prices. 2000 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report. This report contains minimum, maximum and average fuel prices at a state and regional level for 1999 and 2000. 1999 Marine Fuel Price Summary Report This report contains minimum, maximum and average fuel prices at a state and regional level for 1999.
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Other Fuel Surveys
Regional Fuel Prices Collected and published by the Port of Everett, WA
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